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I do not take responsibility for the truth or accuracy of the comments.All comments by others are their own and I do not take responsibility for their actions.
I have always given the credit to the deserving party.I'm not knowingly infringing on anyone's copyright,but if I'm unknowingly infringing on anyone's copyright please contact me via email (HenryMe999AThotmailDOTcom) and I will remove the quote(s) as soon as possible.
I do not take responsibility for the truth or accuracy of the comments.All comments by others are their own and I do not take responsibility for their actions.
I have always given the credit to the deserving party.I'm not knowingly infringing on anyone's copyright,but if I'm unknowingly infringing on anyone's copyright please contact me via email (HenryMe999AThotmailDOTcom) and I will remove the quote(s) as soon as possible.
Thank You.